Here you can get access to the latest version of the Profile Booster Logo. We also cover a little bit of a background as to how it came about and why our logo is the way it is.
Both big and small companies alike go through different versions of their logo over time. At Profile Booster we are no different.
As we were launching, we wanted to keep things nice and simple to focus more on page load times than trying to get a complicated, fancy logo. Below are a few versions of the Profile Booster logo in various sizes.
The first logo here has the blue PB, which we think is the best as it brings a little bit of colour.
You may be wondering why the Profile Booster logo goes from grey to black on the wording. The reason for that was we were trying to incorporate the idea of boosting something. So initially, your company may start off ‘Grey’ with the goal of getting to strong black.
So initially, your business may start off ‘Grey’ with the aim of getting to strong black.
So we made the logo move from a medium grey to the strong black, representing what we do with clients. We take them from underperforming, to performing at the highest level.
The PB you see is used across our YouTube channel and used when we just need something simple. In fact, for those size images (more square), we use the following as the Profile Booster logo.
As you can see, we have used the same blue background but used the P & B in the medium grey and dark black background. Again this represents the ‘boosting’ from less effective to more effective.
Here is another version without the PB at the front.
Another current version of the Profile Booster logo includes the full URL, which makes the logo much longer than what it needs to be.
And here is the same one but without the PB.
Initially we were keen to go with a brightish green colour but decided after a short term that this was too strong and not representative of what we wanted. This combined with a green coloured website as our main colour. The feedback wasn’t great.
You can also see we have looked to include a ‘boost’ type addition to the word Booster. We used an inner glow as well as a drop shadow to help to make it stand out. Same concept but we weren’t happy with the green overall. Also, we wanted to move away from things like drop shadows and inner glows.
So there you have it. Our logo has continued to evolve into something, and over the years there is no doubt it will continue to change and adapt to the times.