Discover the key reasons why you need video marketing to win online
Building video marketing into your digital strategy is one of the best ways to captivate, inspire and motivate people to engage with you and your business. In addition to increased engagement, video marketing allows the most scalable platform for you to build your authority and credibility in the eyes of your ideal market.
Today I am going to highlight the 7 key reasons why you need video marketing in your overall digital strategy, to reach more of your target audience and close more sales.
Use video marketing like Tony Robbins uses the seminar stage
Have you ever stopped to consider the authority and positioning of those people who give seminars? Think of Anthony Robbins or Robert Kiyosaki and how they were able to build their presence and influence the masses through live in-person seminars.
Video marketing provides a similar opportunity with YouTube being the number 2 search engine globally and the number of people consuming video growing month by month. According to ComScore, the average user is exposed to an average of 32.3 videos in a month.
Here are the top 7 reasons why you and your company need to have video as part of your digital marketing strategy:
1. People consume more video content than written content
Content is king but nowadays the best form of content you can produce is video content. In addition to the rise in video content, mobile use is growing exponentially as smartphones become the go-to device for video consumption. YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year.
Every morning I like to catch up with the overnight markets and see how the Forex markets were moving along with the US Markets.
Whilst getting ready, I jump over to YouTube and listen to David Song’s Forex Analysis and then I listen to Commsec’s Julianna Roadley review of the stock market. Video is the perfect way to hear the key news whilst I’m doing things like getting dressed, brushing my teeth and having breakfast. Perfect.
2. Video is extremely powerful when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
You are no doubt already aware of the fact that YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine online, so it is very clear why you need video marketing for your SEO purposes.
According to Forrester Research, a video is 50 times more likely to get organic page ranks in Google than plain text results. Plain and simple, you must be employing video marketing to truly boost your ability to gain front page rankings and outrank your competitors.
Organic rankings with text-based content are hyper-competitive nowadays and ranking for the major keyphrases, especially when it comes to Forex and trading related keywords. Instead, there are thousands of pockets of opportunity when it comes to video SEO. What keywords do you and your team want to rank for and gain a flood of traffic from?
3. Video is very cost effective to produce and can be done on a shoestring budget
An excellent example of a viral video was done by the dollar shave club. Their video reached more than 22 million people and cost around $2,000 to create.
The phone in your pocket is more powerful than nearly every other camera you have bought in the last 10 years. Today’s smartphones have a quality of video that is more than sufficient when it comes to producing a quality video.
What about the quality of my audio?
Having said that, the real challenge for producing online video is to ensure you get the audio component right. Unfortunately, the audio pickup on most smartphones isn’t at a supreme level. But at least it can have you getting off to a quick and flying start.
Cost-effective audio options to consider
To improve the quality of your audio, consider using the SmartLav audio device. The SmartLav device combines with the Rode iPhone app or the RecForge 2 Android app. This is an incredibly cost-effective way to dramatically increase the quality of your audio.
4. Video demonstrations of your product, service or software are very powerful
Show, don’t tell is such a powerful mantra. It has been used by the most successful salespeople for hundreds of years. With the global reach of the internet, it is so easy to create short video demonstrations of your product, service or software and have that available for millions of people around the globe.
When it comes to trading software such as MetaTrader 4, cTrader, IRESS, NinjaTrader and bespoke solutions, nothing beats a series of video tutorials to get your clients up to speed. Video is so handy as not only can you get the global reach instantly, but the viewer can pause, rewind and watch the video over and over again.
The number 1 customer support solution
By creating a series of short tutorials, you will find your customer support enquiries fall considerably. We’ve done this for many organisations and the result is the same every time.
Clients are over the moon and you are dramatically helping the customer support team. They no longer get inundated with enquiries. They will now appear like the most helpful team ever by providing the video demonstration links to new clients.
5. Video will help reduce the length of time to convert a sale
Being able to reduce the length of time to convert a sales seems like such a ‘magical’ idea. But the reality is, people get to see the real you and people buy people. There is a real stigma around the suggestion that people hide behind an online identity and never have to reveal themselves.
So the faster you get in front of camera, the more you are perceived to be real and authentic. Remember, video is the best way to build your authority quickly and all of this positioning helps reduce the length of time it takes to convert a sale.
In fact, 90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful in the decision process.
Have you thought about videoing your FAQs?
You can also demonstrate all your frequently asked questions on video too. The reason people are on your website is they are close to making a buying decision. Often they just need a few questions answered.
Imagine being able to answer the top questions your clients have. This is one of the powerful ways video allows you to reduce the length of time it takes to convert a sale. Put a plan together today to make video marketing a priority and just get it done or outsource it to someone who can deliver what you need.
6. Social media loves video
Social media is one of the hot areas of quick consumption in this ADHD-inspired population. More and more videos are getting shared on Facebook, Vine and Twitter every single day.
Entice people with your videos on social media and watch your engagement and interest go through the roof.
Some of the short video ideas you may want to consider to promote video social media are:
- Short how to videos
- Create an overview of an event you have coming up
- Tease people with a new product you are about to launch
- Introduce a new staff member and their role
- Showcase your office and your team
- Any charity work you and your team might be getting up to
- Film from any overseas locations you may be visiting
Hopefully, that list will help get the creativity flowing for you and your team. Get those ideas down on paper ASAP.
7. Video marketing provides exceptional leverage
You now have an incredible platform to leverage your knowledge and expertise and reach a local or global audience with every piece of video content you put out.
Time to step up to the plate and get cracking. Video is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Start building your video marketing opportunities today and start reaping the rewards tomorrow. One thing we know for sure is that if you don’t do it, your competitors will be.
If you are using video in your marketing, let us know in the comments how it has impacted your business in a positive way. Good luck and we look forward to seeing your new videos.