Need some press release ideas to gain more exposure for your company?
Press releases are an effective way to tell stories about your company, your staff, your products or services. But many companies, business owners and entrepreneurs are not using it or may not even know what to write in a press release.
This is understandable as business owners and managers could be totally absorbed in running and growing their companies or divisions.
But if you are not using press releases to highlight your company’s or business’ achievements, you could be missing out on this vital and effective communications vehicle and its benefits.
If you’re stuck and don’t know how to go about writing a press release, here’s a few ideas that you may want to start with:
Your company’s beginnings – every business and company has its own beginnings. Whether yours started with a few hundred dollars or multi-million dollar in capital, people will be interested in knowing how you set up and your learning experience along the way.
Your team and staff – people are interested in reading and learning from other people. Try to find something unique, outstanding or exemplary that you can write about someone in your staff. While it may take time to encourage your staff to tell about themselves, it is worth talking about achievers in your team as it could be a confidence booster to them as well.
Your products – while most people think that press releases are just about products and how to sell them, think about the benefits and the story behind your new products. You can talk about the research or the time spent in developing or producing the product. It may be a time-saver, eco-friendly or world-first. Whatever it is, try to find the most exciting and interesting feature of your product and focus on that.
Once you have identified some interesting stories to tell in your press release, it is also important to know who to pitch it to. While there are many publications and media channels, not all of them may be interested in your story.
For example, if you are talking about your company’s beginnings, you may want to send your press release to magazines that are particularly focused on business start-ups and growth. If you have an eco-friendly product that you want to highlight, you may send your story to environmentally-focused publications or TV programs.
One important thing to keep in mind about press releases is that not all of them will get picked up or published by the media. Remember that all publications have limited pages to fill and journalists get lots of story ideas and press releases every day.
The reality is, you and your story will be competing with many others for the limited media space or air time (for TV and radio). And given this fact, it is a must to make your press release stand out from the rest.
If you have some interesting stories to tell but don’t know how to get started, give us a call and we can help you tell your stories. Contact us on 1300 630 883.